Wednesday, August 15, 2012

FCC Report: Broadband Health Care Networks Improve Quality of Care For Rural Americans, Reduce Costs and Help Save Lives

Federal Communications Commission. FCC Report: Broadband Health Care Networks Improve Quality of Care For Rural Americans, Reduce Costs and Help Save Lives. Press Release Washington DC: FCC,  August 13, 2012.
From the article:  "Broadband health care networks improve the quality and reduce the cost of delivering care in rural areas, according to a Federal Communications Commission staff report evaluating the Commission’s Rural Health Care Pilot Program.

…Broadband networks of rural and urban providers save lives by providing rural Americans with instant access to specialized services that are not available in rural areas, saving time that is critical in stroke care and other emergencies. High-speed broadband networks capable of supporting telemedicine and telehealth applications also provide rural patients access to more routine telehealth consultations with medical specialists, efficiently transit health records, and facilitate training of nurses and doctors."  Read more

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