From the report: "Legitimate
as well as illegitimate organizations and entities are gaining access to
information about social media (SM) users through illegal, extralegal, and
quasi-legal means. Worse still, many organizations and individuals using SM
have become targets and victims of cybercrimes. SM have also led to an exposure
of unethical and illegal conducts within some organizations. One estimate
suggested that 36% of social networking users have reported experiencing
malware attacks through their profiles. Another study suggested that one in
four companies have become cybercrime victims via social networking sites.
Likewise, about a quarter of employers surveyed by the Society of Corporate
Compliance and Ethics in 2009 had disciplined an employee for improper activities
on social networking sites. Organizations that fail to take appropriate
technological and behavioral measures related to SM are likely to suffer
reputation damages, loss of customers' confidence, and other types of economic
losses. The goal of this paper is to develop a framework that provides a
simple, explicit mechanism for understanding privacy and security issues
associated with SM." Read more