From the article: "The ‘cyber’ issue is not new, but rather has taken a
half-century to develop. Indeed, it was already decades old before the general
public and many senior leaders recognized its salience in the mid-1990s. It
developed, moreover, along a logical path, which can be depicted as the
successive dawning (for American policymakers, officials, and intelligence
officers) of four insights, each of which was glimpsed in theory at least
shortly before empirical evidence verified that it was indeed a reality to
consider in setting policies, standards, and doctrine. Thus the official
responses to the emergence of the cyber issue in the late-1990s were shaped by
the outcomes of those earlier debates; the options available to policy-makers
in the White House, Congress, the Pentagon, and the various agencies were
already conditioned and even determined by previous arguments." Read more
See more
"Special Issue: A Decade of Intelligence Beyond 9/11: Security, Diplomacy and Human Rights." Intelligence and National Security 27 (2012).
See more
"Special Issue: A Decade of Intelligence Beyond 9/11: Security, Diplomacy and Human Rights." Intelligence and National Security 27 (2012).