From the article: "Speaking last week at the Russian security
vendor’s North American channel partner conference here, Kaspersky Lab CEO
Eugene Kaspersky
outlined the top five IT security issues that worry him today, and prominent
among them was the loss of privacy that the big data trend entails.
“We can forget about privacy. There’s no privacy anymore,” said Kaspersky.
“You can have privacy if you live somewhere in the jungle, or the middle of
Too much data is being collected about us, he said. In the U.K., cameras are
everywhere. Google has a detailed picture of your online activities, as do
other online services. And unless you pay cash and don’t use loyalty program
cards, your shopping history is collected and stored as well.
“This is a national security issue. This data can be used not just against
people, but against nations,” said Kaspersky." Read more