Madrigal, Alexis. "Confirmed: The Internet Does Not Solve Global Inequality." The Atlantic, March 26, 2012.
From the article: "If you live in a rich country, the Internet has probably changed the way you consume (and produce) information. But when you look at global-scale knowledge production, things are as they ever were: the Anglophone world dominates with the United States doing the lion's share of academic and user-generated publishing.
Those are the messages of the Oxford Internet Institute's new e-book, Geographies of the World's Knowledge, from which these two graphics were drawn. In the book's foreword, Corinne Flick of the Convoco Foundation reluctantly concludes that the Internet has not delivered on the hopes that it would make knowledge "more accessible." Read more
See Also
Graham, Mark, Monica Stephens, Scott A. Hale & Kunika Kono. Geographies of the World's Knowledge. Oxford Internet Institute, March 7, 2012. iTunes edition.