Baker, Jennifer. "EU Commissioner: States Must Work Together on Cybersecurity." PC World, March 21, 2012.
From the article: "Internet security cannot be left to the national security agencies said the E.U.'s digital agenda commissioner on Wednesday as she outlined her plans for a Europe-wide cybersecurity strategy.
The Commission is due to present its plan for a European Strategy for Internet Security in the third quarter of this year, but Commissioner Neelie Kroes said that under the proposals, E.U. member states will be asked to guarantee minimum capabilities to respond adequately to threats.
Kroes also wants data breach notification rules, such as in the telecoms sector, for critical information-infrastructure sectors like energy, water, finance and transport. She pointed out that the recent World Economic Forum estimated that there is a one in 10 chance of a major breakdown of critical information infrastructure in the next decade." Read more