Gottlieb, Scott. "Digital Doctoring." Review of The Creative Destruction of Medicine, by Eric Topol. Wall Street Journal, February 3, 2012, Book Review.
From the book review: "Doctors are replacing their stethoscopes with inexpensive, hand-held ultrasound scanners that can detect a failing heart right in the ER. Such innovations are just the beginning of a transformation of medicine, says Eric Topol in "The Creative Destruction of Medicine." Dr. Topol, a prominent cardiologist and geneticist, envisions a technology-enhanced future where new tools are integrated into diagnosing and treating patients, transforming the handling of common medical problems…. The author says that no single innovation will have a more profound effect than the conversion of biological data. With the aid of technology, Dr. Topol says, medical progress may well begin to resemble modern computers' own astonishing surge in processing power and data storage." Read more
See Also
The Creative Destruction of Medicine by Eric Topol.