Marks, Joseph. "No Easy Answers on Twitter's New Censorship Policy." Nextgov, February 7, 2012.
From the article: "Experts were split Tuesday on whether Twitter's new policy to allow country-specific censorship represents a fundamental failure to protect free speech, or is simply the price of doing business globally. Meg Roggensack, a senior adviser at Human Rights First, said Twitter effectively had sided with repressive governments rather than activists and citizens….Roggensack was speaking at a panel discussion on global Internet freedom sponsored by the Media Access Project, a nonprofit law firm and advocacy group that supports freedom of expression online. David Sullivan, policy director for the Global Network Initiative, disagreed. He said the social media company was making an inevitable compromise by agreeing to remove or prohibit information only in response to an official government request or court order and to clearly note when information had been removed." Read more
See Also
Heim, Anne. "Worried About Possible Restrictions on Twitter? Here's How to Get Around Them." The Next Web, January 27, 2012.