Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Reality Check For Feds' Health IT Projections

Terry, Ken. "A Reality Check For Feds' Health IT Projections." Information Week, February 1, 2012.

From the article: "Farzad Mostashari's predictions for 2012 naturally accentuate the positive: 100,000 providers receiving Meaningful Use payments, health information exchanges (HIEs) spreading, providers seeing how health IT is connected to payment reform, and consumer e-health tools increasing patient engagement. One would expect no less from the National Coordinator for Health IT. But outside observers take a more nuanced view of the future...John Moore, a health IT consultant and founder of Chilmark Research, told InformationWeek Healthcare that it's "unreasonable" to suppose that 100,000 private-practice physicians will attest to Meaningful Use through 2012...Vince Ciotti, a hospital IT consultant who is a principal in HIS Professionals, says that the government is "buying the participation" of doctors, although many don't believe in the value of EHRs. Mostashari was also bullish on health information exchange. "With the foundation we have built in Stage 1 [of Meaningful Use], increasingly rigorous health information exchange requirements in Stage 2 and payment reform as a constant drumbeat, I think exchange will take off in 2012," he said in his blog post. But neither consultant interviewed by InformationWeek Healthcare believed that public HIEs would overcome their chief barrier: the lack of a business model."  Read more