Vinter, Hannah. "SFN Report: Communication and Gatekeeper Research." Shaping the Future of the Newspaper Blog, February 20, 2012.
From the article: "Once upon a time, news flows were relatively simple. Information would travel from a source to a news organisation, to the general public. Although that chain might not have been quite as simple as it seemed (a journalist might influence his or her sources, or public reactions might influence a news organisation) for the most part, information flowed one way, and one way only.
Now a new regional SFN report from WAN-IFRA, authored by Professor Christof Seeger and Leander Blumenthal describes the way that social media and digital publishing has turned this news flow upside-down. The report, titled "Communication and gatekeeper research" points out that media organisations are no longer the primary "gatekeepers" of information; an engaged public also plays an important role in curating news by deciding what content to republish, recommend or pass on." Read more
See Also
Blumenthal, Leander and Prof. Christof Seeger. Kommunikation und Gatekeeper-Forschung, WAN-IFRA report, February 16, 2012.