"Finland Has Largest Share of Economy Based On Information Technology." United Nations News Centre, February 15, 2012.
From the article: "Finland has the world’s largest portion of domestic economic activities related to information and communication technology, with almost a tenth of the European country’s non-agricultural business workforce employed in the ICT sector, according to United Nations data released today. The data, released by the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva, also shows that the ICT sector is still in its infancy in many developing economies. The UNCTAD database currently contains information on 57 economies. The lack of more comprehensive data can be seen as yet another illustration of the digital divide, the agency said in a press release." Read more
See Also
"Information Economy Report 2011: ICTs as an Enabler for Private Sector Development." Paper presented at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, February 15, 2012.